The seventh VanWoRM is fast approaching!

Volunteer now to give a talk at the event formerly known as the Nematode Regional Research Review. The subject of this scientific talk will be, of course, the tiny roundworm otherwise known as Caenorhabditis elegans. Past talks have covered topics in gene expression, gene regulation, cellular development, and neurobiology.


The 7th Vancouver Worm Research Meeting
May 14th, 2008

5 PM to 7 PM
Room 7172, South Science Building
8888 University Drive
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby



Sponsored by Fisher Scientific and Macrogen.

Directions or Google Maps for SFU.


There will be two short talks lasting around 20 minutes per talk, each followed by a question and answer session with the audience. Pizza and refreshing beverages are available afterwards at no charge, for they are kindly provided by the biotechnology companies who sponsor this event. Specifically, Macrogen pays for the pizza and Fisher Scientific provides the refreshments. A good time is usually had by all, and we hope to see you there!

Posted on February 27, 2008

Macrogen Corp.Invitrogen Co.